Show your Love

Iris Flowers & Coffee

Fresh Flowers, Express Delivery, and Customized Arrangements

Exceptional customer services

Happiness Guaranteed

Not satisfied? No worries we will take care of it

Flowers, Bouquet, Party Arrangements, Custom Bouquet, One Stop Flowers Shop.


Iris Flowers & Coffee

Iris Flowers and Coffee is a premier floral destination located in the heart of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Our store is located in the Mr. Baker Building in the bustling Khaldya neighborhood. We offer a wide range of floral services, including flowers, bouquets, party arrangements, and custom bouquets. Our goal is to provide a one-stop-shop for all your floral needs.

We are a family-owned business that is passionate about creating stunning floral arrangements that exceed our customers' expectations. Our team of skilled florists is dedicated to using only the freshest and highest quality flowers to create beautiful and memorable arrangements. We believe that flowers have the power to brighten up anyone's day, and that's why we take great pride in providing fresh, vibrant blooms to our customers.

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